Effect of Low-Level Laser Irradiation on Bisphosphonate-Induced Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: Preliminary Results of a Prospective Study

The aim of this study was to detail the clinical efficacy of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for the management of bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ-BP). Background: ONJ-BP is the correct term, recently emerged, to describe a significant complication in a subset of patients receiving drugs such as zoledronic acid, pamidronate, and alendronate. No definitive […]

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La Classificazione del carninoma della Bocca: Aggiornamento e Classificazioni

Il carcinoma della cavità orale rappresenta mediamente in Italia il 4% di tutte le neoplasie maligne nell’uomo (1,2) e costituisce, per la particolare conformazione anatomica della struttura interessata, materia di interesse comune per branche della medicina di diversa natura specialistica. Questa caratteristica di patologia di confine, con competenze in argomento da parte dell’odontostomatologo. ,dell’otorinolaringoiatra, del […]

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Tumore della laringe

Ogni anno numerose persone scoprono di essere affette da cancro della laringe. Queste pagine vi forniranno importanti informazioni sui sintomi, la diagnosi e il trattamento di questa forma tumorale. Inoltre, troverete utili suggerimenti su come affrontare la malattia in caso voi o qualcuno a voi caro ne sia stato colpito. I termini che potrebbero risultare […]

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Precancerosi del Cavo Orale

Il concreto allarme per un aumento di morbilità e di mortalità per carcinoma del cavo orale (CCO) e la mancata possibilità di screening di massa per la sua prevenzione sono alla base della divulgazione dei criteri conoscitivi sui fattori di rischio delle lesioni precancerose della mucosa orale (LPMO) che presentano aspetti istocitologici della displasia epiteliale, […]

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A Magic Wand for the Community Dental Office? Observations from the British Columbia Oral Cancer Prevention Program

Oral cancer is a deadly disease. It is often diagnosed late with considerable spread, resulting in a high mortality rate and treatment-associated morbidity. New devices entering the market have stimulated a renewed interest in oral cancer screening among dental professionals. The British Columbia Oral Cancer Prevention Program (BC OCPP) is actively involved in research related […]

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Evidence-Based Decision-Making: Should the General Dentist Adopt the Use of the VELscope for Routine Screening for Oral Cancer?

The VELscope (Visually Enhanced Lesion Scope) is currently being marketed to general dentists. Advertisements claim that this handheld device visually enhances a clinician’s ability to detect oral cancer. The technology is based on the premise that normal cells will glow when exposed to fluorescent light, whereas abnormal cells (not necessarily only cancer or precancerous cells) […]

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Früherkennung von Mundhöhlenkrebs mittels Gewebefluoreszenz

Plattenepithelkarzinome der Mundhöhle entstehen zum Teil aus Vorstufen, die klinisch als Erythro- oder Leukoplakie imponieren. In Deutschland erkranken nach Daten des Robert Koch-Institutes jährlich rund 7 700 Männer und 2 300 Frauen. Dies entspricht einem Anteil von knapp fünf Prozent an allen bösartigen Neubildungen bei Männern, beziehungsweise einem Prozent bei Frauen. Zur Diagnostik wird neben […]

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Tracing the “At-Risk” Oral Mucosa Field with Autofluorescence

A new paradigm in the way we envision tissue change during carcinogenesis has evolved in recent years. From a clinical standpoint, this paradigm has altered how we view “at-risk” tissue. Rather than focusing on clinical lesions, we often discuss “field” changes involving the expansion of genetically and epigenetically altered cells within a tissue, and not […]

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