In laser hair removal, it is preferred for many clinical and technical reasons to use small to medium size laser spotsizes. However, manually aiming a small laser beam hundreds of times to cover a larger skin area can lead to uneven coverage and can result in missed areas and excess heating due to pulse stacking. […]
FRAC3: Three Dimensional Non-Ablative Fraction Laser Skin Rejuvenation
A novel self-indiced non-ablative three-dimensional fractional FRAC3 method for skun rejuvenation is described. The method utilizes short pulse duration/high peak power density of Nd:YAG Accelera mode laser pulses. The Accelera pulses produce a three-dimensional fractional pattern in the epidermis and dermis, with demage islands located predominatly at the sites of skin imperfections. Thermal measurements in-vivo […]
Sensitivity of direct tissue fluorescence visualization in screening for oral premalignant lesions in general practice
Various specialty clinics and research centers have conducted studies of direct tissue fluorescence visualization as a screening technique for oral premalignant lesions and early oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). The effectiveness of the VELscope in a private practice setting is unknown. This pilot study is the first report to assess the VELscope system as a […]
Novel Fractional Treatments with VSP Erbium YAG Aesthetic Lasers
Le indicazioni per l’utilizzo dell’Er:YAG laser sono in continua espansione. In questo lavoro viene presentato l’ultima tecnologia Pixel Screen Technology (PST), tecnica frazionata minimamente invasiva per l’utilizzo di un Er:YAG laser nel ringiovanimento della pelle. La tecnica frazionata è basata sul concetto di produrre una fila di onde microscopiche sulla superficie della pelle che viene […]
Fluorescence Visualization Detection of Field Alterations in TumorMargins of Oral Cancer Patients
Genetically altered cells could become widespread across the epithelium of patients with oral cancer, often in clinically and histologically normal tissue, and contribute to recurrent disease. Molecular approaches have begun to yieldinformation on cancer/risk fields; tissue optics could further extend our understanding of alteration to phenotype as a result ofmolecular change. Autori Catherine F. Poh […]
Adjunctive Techniques for Oral Cancer examination and lesion diagnosis
In the past decades, adjunctive techniques have emerged with claims of enhancing oral mucosal examinations and facilitating the detection of and distinctions between oral benign and oral premalignant and malignant lesions (OPML). Clinicians who use these tools may be unaware of the state of the evidence supporting their effectiveness. Techniques that are promoted or assessed […]
Lo sviluppo del laser da Einstein ai semiconduttori
Questo testo vuole presentare la scoperta del fenomeno dell’emissione stimolata di radiazione e gli sviluppi scientifico-tecnologici che ne sono derivati, fino ad arrivare alle moderne sorgenti laser. L’argomento `e stato scelto essenzialmente per due motivi. Il primo è il personale interesse verso l’interazione della radiazione con la materia e verso la tecnologia laser, che considero […]
10/01 – Angioma del capo

Angioma è un termine molto generico che descrive varie malformazioni vascolari (angiomi piani, spider angiomi, angiomi rubino, “laghi” venosi etc). Appartengono a questa categoria malformazioni cutanee rosse e rosso-brunastre che hanno origine vascolare e natura benigna. Un paziente di 52 anni si è presentato in studio con un angioma (foto prima del trattamento) presente sul […]
Analysis of new diagnostic methods in suspicious lesions of the oral mucosa
Objective: The objective of this study was to analyse publications related to examination techniques that might improve the visualisation of suspicious lesions of the oral mucosa (ViziLite® system and VELscope® system) or that might facilitate the cytological identification of suspicious lesions (OralCDx®). Methods: A literature search was performed, using the PubMed database and the key […]
Patient delay for potentially malignant oral symptoms
The detection of oral cancer at an early stage is the most effective means to improve survival and reduce morbidity, disfigurement, duration of treatment, and hospital costs associated with this disease. However, approximately 30% of patients delay seeking help for more than 3 months following the self-discovery of symptoms of oral cancer. This study aimed […]